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Saturday, 19 March 2011

New to School!

I was on twitter tonight and read about someone wanting to prepare her little boy or girl for school. It made me think about little boy whom is now 5 year old. His birthday was on the 24th August and he had to school only 3 weeks later. He really was still just a baby and definately not read to start school, Reception. I don't believe that children should start Reception until they are 5 years of age and nursery at 4.

When he started school they had been in the yard for playtime and asked to go into lines of girls and boys. My little boy Louis Adam did not know where to go and stood in the middle. The teacher asked him whether he was a boy or a girl and he said that he was a Louis Adam! This made the teachers and classroom assistants laugh and told him that he was a boy and put him in the line for boys.

Later in the afternoon when it was time to collect him the teacher told me about it and all I could do was laugh. Since he was born I have always called him my little baby boy and as he got older I called him my little boy. It was funny really as I had always called him a boy and he did not seem to understand which line he should go in.

Since then he has constantly called himself a boy, boy, boy! That is exactly how he says it. He insists he is a boy and makes sure he tells us at every opportunity. When we talk to someone who knows Louis Adam for example a relation and he tells them he is a boy, boy, boy. We then tell them what he did on his first day at school.

When he is older we will tell him the story and see what he thinks of it. No doubt he will then be very embaressed by it.

These days he loves to rock and roll or as he puts it wock and woll as since he fell at school last year he finds it hard to say his r's! He has an electric style guitar that works by batteries. He knows how to rock and I am sure he has not seen it on television so I really have no idea where he got it from! Kids really do some funny things and they are so innocent!

I love to hear what things other kids do and how funny they are. I am sure every parent has lots of stories of their kids antics!

At the moment though he is building cars and vans with his lego even though they are not the types that meant to make vans etc but he always seems to manage to build the most amazing things! Maybe he will be an architect or an engineer. Just have to wait and see won't we!

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